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Attractions in the region

Fiľakovský hrad
FiľakovoFiľakovský Castle is located on top of a rock in the middle of the city. The first written mention of it comes from the 13th century. It mentions that the castle resisted Tatar raids.
During its history, Fiľakovský Castle changed owners several times. In the 16th century, it was conquered by Turkish troops, and for almost 40 years it became their...

Vodná nádrž Ľadovo
LučenecOn the edge of the town of Lučenec, the vast water reservoir Ľadovo was created on the Tuhárský stream. During the summer, this place is used for recreational purposes. A recreation zone has also been built in the location.
The Ľadovo water reservoir attracts with clean and refreshing water. During the summer months, you can swim, boat or engage...

Turecký most
PoltárThe stone bridge in the city of Poltár — the Turkish bridge, is a historical jewel that is worth admiring. According to word of mouth, the Turks left the bridge here. However, no evidence is available to verify the truth of this claim. The Turkish Bridge is the third oldest preserved bridge of its kind in Slovakia. It was built in the 17th century....

Rozhľadňa na Jasenine
ĎubákovoSeveral lookouts attract a large number of tourists to the Banskobystrica region, and new ones are added every year. One of them is the lookout tower on Jasenina, which is located at an altitude of 995 m above sea level
The lookout tower on Jasenina rises to a height of 10 meters at this popular tourist spot and offers a captivating semi-circular ...

Synagóga v Lučenci
LučenecAmong the most important historical buildings in Lučenec is also the building of the Neolog Synagogue. The synagogue in Lučenec was built in the years 1924-1925 in the art nouveau style and is the work of the Hungarian architect Leopold Baumhorn. It is interesting that it is one of four identical synagogues in the world. Others are located in Amste...

Hontianska kalvária
ŠahyWhen you are on vacation in Šahá, one of the places you should visit is the Hontian Calvary. Its three-meter high, richly decorated chapels rise in the middle of a beautiful avenue of maple trees. The Hontian calvary was built in 1907 around Psie vrch. It is an artistic-historical work that is naturally embedded in the surrounding landscape.

Mučínska jaskyňa
MučínThe twelve-meter-long and 2.5-meter-wide Mučín Cave is a popular excursion spot for local residents. You should not miss this unique natural feature during your visit to this location.
The Mučín Cave is located in a mountainous environment near the village of Mučín and its age is estimated at 19 million years. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that...

Kaštieľ Imre Madácha
Dolná StrehováThe village of Dolná Strehová is the place where the writer I. Madách lived and worked in the past. Imre Madách's mansion is located in a beautiful, landscaped area. This rococo-classical building is part of the heritage of the Hungarians and the whole of Europe.
In the premises of the mansion you can see the exhibition of the writer and playwrigh...

Pustý kostol
Veľká ČalomijaIf you are an admirer of historical monuments, you should not miss the Pustý church in the village of Veľká Čalomija. This church ranks among the oldest religious buildings in our territory.
The deserted church in the village of Veľká Čalomija was built in the first half of the 13th century and was later rebuilt several times. Only the remains of...

Hontianske múzeum
ŠahyThe Hontian Museum in Šahá was founded in 1902 as a county museum. It was founded by the initiative of the Hontian County Museum Society. Although the original museum disappeared, it was re-founded in 1992. Today, the Hontian Museum in Šahy is a municipal museum.
The permanent exhibition consists of archaeological, historical and ethnographic mon...