Slovensko/ Nitriansky kraj/ Levice
Hontianske múzeum
Description of the attraction
The Hontian Museum in Šahá was founded in 1902 as a county museum. It was founded by the initiative of the Hontian County Museum Society. Although the original museum disappeared, it was re-founded in 1992. Today, the Hontian Museum in Šahy is a municipal museum. The permanent exhibition consists of archaeological, historical and ethnographic monuments from the region, it is also devoted to agriculture and crafts. You can view his collections in two buildings - the Hontian Museum and the Ľudovít Simonyi Gallery. There is also a library in the building of the Hontian Museum, where you can borrow historical and modern scientific titles. When you visit the Hontian Museum, you can also stop by the memorial to the victims of the Holocaust. On the facade of the building there is a relief of Prince František Rákóczi II. and plaques. One of them is dedicated to the 100-year-old Hontian County Museum Society, the other is in honor of Elemér Pongrácz. An interesting feature of the place is the memorial tree of Ľudovít Simonyi, which you can find near the fence of the courtyard.
Basic information
+421 36 741 23 65
GPS: 48.072176 18.948687
Where the attraction is located