Slovensko/ Banskobystrický kraj/ Poltár
Rozhľadňa na Jasenine
Description of the attraction
Several lookouts attract a large number of tourists to the Banskobystrica region, and new ones are added every year. One of them is the lookout tower on Jasenina, which is located at an altitude of 995 m above sea level The lookout tower on Jasenina rises to a height of 10 meters at this popular tourist spot and offers a captivating semi-circular view in the southern direction. From the viewing platform, you can see the Juhoslovak basin, if you visit this place in clear weather, you can see as far as the distant Hungarian mountains. The easiest way to get to the lookout point is by following the red tourist sign. The trail leads here from the nearby village of Ďubákovo (about 2 km). The observation tower on Jasenina is an excellent destination for an easy hike. There are also wooden benches with a table where you can have a snack. While resting in the bosom of nature, you can also meditate in peace and gain new strength.
Where the attraction is located