Šašovský Castle |

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Slovensko/ Banskobystrický kraj/ Žiar nad Hronom

Šášovský hrad

Description of the attraction

In the northern part of the Štiavnické Hills on the left bank of the Hron River, Šášov Castle will catch your attention. The castle can be seen from afar, you can also spot it directly from the road from Žiar nad Hronom to Zvolen. According to historical sources, Šašov Castle was built on a high cliff as early as 1253. It was built by the brothers of the Ostrihom archbishop, Peter and Vincent Vanchovci. Its task, together with the Revište castle, was to protect the passage and the road to the mining area, mainly to Banská Štiavnica. Later, during the Gothic and Renaissance periods, Šašov Castle often changed owners. In 1677, during the Tököli uprising, it was looted. Since then, it has fallen into disrepair, today only ruins have been preserved. A path leads to Šášov Castle from under the castle rock. The route goes through the forest, at the beginning a steeper, then gentler climb awaits you. The ascent is not long, it will take you only 15-20 minutes. You can also go here with children. From the top you will have a beautiful view of the river Hron and the valley of Šašovského Podhradia.

Basic information

Žiar nad Hronom

GPS: 48.579124 18.900193

Where the attraction is located

Šášovský hrad
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