Contact the host
About accommodation
Pozývame Vás do našej útulnej Chalupy SIMIHOUSE v starobylom banskom meste Nová Baňa v Banskobystrickom kraji, približne 30 kilometrov od obľúbenej Banskej Štiavnice. Chalupa sa nachádza 400 m od jazera Tajch, kde je vybudovaný cyklochodník, ktorý je v hodný hlavne na prechádzky s malými deťmi a pre korčuliarov.
Celoročne Vám ponúkame komfortné ubytovanie s celkovou kapacitou 14 lôžok, z toho 10 hostí radi privítame v chalupe a pre ďalších 4 hostí máme pripravený štýlový apartmán. Chalupa ako aj apartmán sa prenajímajú len ako celok.
The main equipment of the building
Reservation of the entire object
You will have the entire object only for yourself
Pets are welcome
Allowed, without restrictions, for a fee (upon agreement with the owner)
Parking at the property
Parking At the object. Garage, Free parking, Guarded parking lot
Indicative occupancy calendar
Contact the host

Šimon Pajerský
The owner does not live in the building
Member since: August 2022
Slovak, Russian, Czech, German, English, Polish
Where you will be accommodated
Nová Baňa, Potočná cesta 6403/7, SlovenskoCastle ruins are not uncommon in this region. The most famous of them are Revište, Šášov and Dobrá Niva. In Hronský Beňadik you will find an ancient monastery. In addition to hiking, cycling or skiing, residents can relax in the spas of Sliač, Kováčová and Sklené Teplice....
Accommodation rules
Time of arrival
From 15:00 - To 21:00
Departure time
From 07:00 - To 10:00
Is smoking allowed in the building?
Smoking indoors is NOT allowed.
What language do I use to communicate with the host?
Slovak, Russian, Czech, German, English, Polish
Does the owner live in the building?
NO, the owner (administrator) does not stay / live in the building during the stay.
Is the object fenced?
YES, the object is fenced.
How is the building heated?
Central heating, Heating by fireplace
Dining options in the building
Without food
Is the object barrier-free?
YES, only some rooms have disabled access.
Cancellation terms
Bezplatné storno platí 8 dní pred nástupom na pobyt
Owner's note
0 guests
Pets are welcome?
Parking at the property?
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