Lake Windschacht |

vindšachtske jazero.jpg

Slovensko/ Banskobystrický kraj/ Banská Štiavnica

Vindšachtské jazero

Description of the attraction

In the protected landscape area Štiavnické vrchy on the edge of the village of Štiavnické Bane, the Vindšacht Lake stretches over an area of 4.4 ha. The lake is part of a system of artificial water reservoirs — taichs, which served the needs of local mines. It was built in 1715. Windsor Lake reaches a maximum water depth of 13.5 m. Currently, it serves as a publicly accessible natural swimming pool. It is surrounded by gravel and grass banks, which pass into tree-like growth. Lake Vindsacht is a sought-after place for swimming. The entrance to the water is gradual with a smooth slope. Evičkina lake offers relaxation in the bosom of nature, recreation and water sports in the village of Štiavnické Bane. There is also a tent camp in this area, you can also stay in a nearby cottage area. Numerous hiking and cycling trails, natural beauty and historical monuments will enrich your vacation.

Basic information

Štiavnické Bane

GPS: 48.434145 18.856075

Where the attraction is located

Vindšachtské jazero
Accommodation portal - Cottages and cottages for rent
