Slovensko/ Banskobystrický kraj/ Banská Bystrica
Ľupčiansky hrad
Description of the attraction
Above the town of Slovenská Ľupča, which lies approximately 10 km east of Banská Bystrica, Ľupča Castle rises proudly on a hill. The castle was built in the middle of the 13th century by the Hungarian king Bel IV. Today it is a national cultural monument. In the 16th century, Ľupča Castle was rebuilt into a castle. Local attractions include a 62-meter-deep well, from the bottom of which a secret tunnel leads outside the castle. In 2002, Ľupča Castle became the property of the joint-stock company Železiarne Podbrezová. The company is carrying out its long-term reconstruction, but it is still accessible to the public. Regular tours are held with a guide.
Basic information
Slovenská Ľupča
+421 48 418 74 29
GPS: 48.772251 19.281131
Where the attraction is located