Slovensko/ Žilinský kraj/ Čadca
Rozhľadňa na Luboch
Description of the attraction
The wooden lookout tower on Luby will enchant you with its view of the natural beauty of the village of Veľké Rovné, its nearby and more distant forests, meadows and hills. The trip to the observation tower is not difficult. The observation tower on Luby is 19 meters high. It was built as part of the European project "Rural Development Program 2007 - 2013". This is a fire watchtower, in the past there was a triangulation point at this place, which was part of the triangulation network of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy. Near the lookout you will come across an information board that informs about the prohibition of entry to unauthorized persons. However, you can climb it quite easily. From its top, you can see the highest peaks of the Moravian-Silesian Beskydy Smrk, Lysá hora, Kněhyně and Travný, as well as the bordering Beskydy ridge with Veľký Polom. You can go to the lookout point on Luby from the villages of Vrchierka or Záblatie. The road is only approximately 1.5 km long. You can extend your trip along the hiking trail, which you will find a short distance from it and which will take you to the surrounding mountains and laz villages of the Javornice-Kysucka region.
Where the attraction is located