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Chata u Miky inbound3416677884939516165.jpg
Chata u Miky inbound2797424974909694113.jpg

Chata u Miky

5 guests
1 bedroom
1 bathroom
No review
CottageFrom the hostMichaela

Contact the host

About accommodation

Chata je vhodná pre 1 až 5 ľudí, minimálne na 2 noci. Kuchyňa je zariadená chladničkou, mikrovlnkou, rýchlovarnou kanvicou. V obývačke je televízor, nintendo Wii, spoločenské hry. V lete sa dá využiť klimatizácia, na vonku je posedenie s grilom. Chata ma vlastné mólo, kde sa dajú chytať ryby s miestnymi rybárskymi papiermi, ostatní potrebujú povolenku, hosťovačku za 20e, ktorá sa dá zakúpiť na internete, alebo v rybárstve.

The main equipment of the building

Reservation of the entire object

You will have the entire object only for yourself

Pets are welcome

Allowed, small animals, free of charge (by agreement with the owner)

Parking at the property

Parking At the object.

It is located near the building, in the area of the building


Indicative occupancy calendar

Contact the host

Chata u Miky  The lodger


The owner does not live in the building

Member since: October 2022

Slovak, Czech, English

Where you will be accommodated

Upohlav, Prístav Upohlav 0, SlovenskoJavorníky is a mountain range that forms part of the border between Slovakia and the Czech Republic. The mountain range is a popular place for its ideal conditions for winter sports and for hiking in the summer....

Accommodation rules

Time of arrival

From 13:00 - To 16:00

Departure time

From 10:00 - To 11:00

Is smoking allowed in the building?

Smoking indoors is NOT allowed.

What language do I use to communicate with the host?

Slovak, Czech, English

Does the owner live in the building?

NO, the owner (administrator) does not stay / live in the building during the stay.

Is the object fenced?

The building is partially fenced.

How is the building heated?

Electric heating

Dining options in the building

Without food

Is the object barrier-free?

NO, the building is not wheelchair accessible.

Cancellation terms

Povinná záloha ktorá sa berie ako kaucia v hodnote 100, ktorá vám bude na konci pobytu vrátená.

Owner's note

Všetko je o komunikácii, dá sa dohodnúť aj skorší príchod a neskorší odchod, pokiaľ nie je chata obsadená. V chate j úžitková voda, na pitie bude pripravená balená voda.



0 guests

The number of guests is not selected
Total price

Pets are welcome?

Allowed, small animals, free of charge (by agreement with the owner)

Parking at the property?

Parking At the object.
Accommodation portal - Cottages and cottages for rent

