Slovensko/ Žilinský kraj/ Námestovo
Vyhliadková veža v Zákamennom
Description of the attraction
The up to 15-meter high observation tower in Zákamenny was built as part of the European Union project of cross-border cooperation between Poland and Slovakia. A location was chosen for the impressive wooden tower, from which visitors can enjoy the most beautiful views of the surrounding landscape. From its top, you will be able to observe the landmarks of the upper Orava, Babia Hora, Pilsko and Oravská Magura, and you can see all the way to the ends of the Western Tatras. You can reach it by an easy, only 2 km long hiking trail that starts at the shop in the center of the village. More capable tourists may be tempted by the possibility of extending the trip by another 14 km and will continue from the lookout to the Úšust hill.
Where the attraction is located