Slovensko/ Bratislavský kraj/ Pezinok
Tisové skaly
Description of the attraction
Not far from Zochova cottage under Veľká homohoła, you will come across a captivating rock kingdom called Tisové skaly. This natural monument is certainly worth your attention. Here you can admire charming rock formations and the beauty of Slovak nature. All this in undisturbed silence. Yew Rocks consist of three separate sections of rock ridge. This place will captivate you with its unique beauty, which will surely make you reach for your camera more than once. The quartz rocks were formed here during Tertiary folding and are an important example of the development of the Lesser Carpathians. They got their name from the yew trees that once grew here in abundance. However, you won't find them here anymore. You can go to Tisové skaly by following the blue tourist sign that leads from Zochová chata through Zámčisko to Harmonia. You will reach them in about 12 minutes.
Where the attraction is located