Slovensko/ Prešovský kraj/ Bardejov
Drevený kostolík v Hervartove
Description of the attraction
There are many interesting places in the east of Slovakia, among which the wooden church in Hervartov rightly belongs. In this eastern Slovak village, you can see the oldest preserved wooden church in Slovakia. The wooden church of St. Francis of Assisi in Hervartov was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2008, together with 7 other wooden churches of the Carpathian Arch. The church in Hervartov was built in the heart of the village already in the 15th century. This captivating sacred building is made of red spruce wood. The Gothic influence can be observed in its architecture, which is particularly evident in its slim, rectangular windows and high gabled roof. The wooden church consists of several parts. They are the polygonal sanctuary, the main nave, the sacristy and the undertower. Its modification in the later period created a space intended for women. Wooden church of St. Francis of Assisi greets you upon entering with rich decorations. Painters depicted figural and plant motifs on it. The center consists of the main altar with the image of the Virgin Mary, St. Barbara and St. Catherine of Alexandria. You can also view other rare art-historical monuments: Figurative motifs of Adam and Eve in Paradise, depiction of the battle of St. George with the dragon, you will also find here a rendering of the Parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins. Among the rare works here, you can also find the panel painting The Last Supper. The church in Hervartov belongs to the administration of the Roman Catholic parish office in Richvald. If you are interested in viewing its interior, do not forget to call in advance.
Basic information
+421 918 678 260
GPS: 49.246508 21.203601
Where the attraction is located