Veľký Lopeník |

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Slovensko/ Trenčiansky kraj/ Nové Mesto nad Váhom

Veľký Lopeník

Description of the attraction

The border between Slovakia and the Czech Republic passes through the beautiful ridges of the White Carpathians. Veľký Lopeník is one of the mountains it leads through. In the past, Veľký Lopeník therefore became a symbol of brotherhood between Czechs and Slovaks. An attraction that attracts many visitors every year is the lookout tower built on its top. Its height is up to 22 meters. When viewed from the outside, its admirable construction attracts attention. It is also worth the effort to climb to the viewing platform, from where you can see a circular view of the mountains of both neighboring countries. In the lower part of the observation tower, you can buy small souvenirs in a small shop, and you can also buy drinks here. The landscaped surroundings invite you to relax. Here you can spread out on the grass or on the wooden benches and rest a bit before the journey back. Vrch Veľký Lopeník also made history. During World War II, it became the scene of battles, so you can also find a memorial to fallen soldiers here. Tourist routes lead to Veľký Lopeník from Nova Bošáca (about 4 km), you can also go here from the Moravian side. The ascent is not difficult, it is also suitable for children and less fit hikers.

Basic information

Nová Bošáca

GPS: 48.916120 17.782028

Where the attraction is located

Veľký Lopeník
There is no accommodation available
Accommodation portal - Cottages and cottages for rent
