Slovensko/ Košický kraj/ Spišská Nová Ves
Tiesňava Suchá Belá
Description of the attraction
The Suchá Belá gorge is also among the places that are considered jewels of the Slovak Paradise National Park. The gorge is only 4 km long. When you pass through it, you will witness how the water in it overcomes the height difference of 400 meters in numerous cascades and waterfalls. The Suchá Belá Gorge has earned the title of the most romantic gorge of the Slovak Paradise due to its beauty. The fairytale, enchanting atmosphere of the place is enhanced by water cascades and crystal waterfalls. Unspoiled nature stretches everywhere you look. Tiesňava Suchá Belá attracts many tourists with its beauty and is rightly the most visited gorge of the Slovak Paradise. The trail is one-way and relatively demanding, but the effort while walking is richly rewarded with an interesting route. The starting point is the tourist center Podlesok, from which you will go up following the green tourist sign. Like in other places of the Slovak Paradise, dangerous sections in the Suchá Belá gorge are protected by ladders, chains, steps and footbridges that will help you in the ascent. However, overcoming them requires increased caution and fitness. You can reach Suchá Belá mountain in approximately 2 hours. If this hike is not enough for you, you can extend the trip by going through Vtáčí hrb and Kláštorisko. From there you can get to the mouth of Hornád and back to Podlesko. At the end, you can treat yourself to a hearty meal in the local huts.
Where the attraction is located