Slovensko/ Banskobystrický kraj/ Banská Bystrica
Tihányiovský kaštieľ
Description of the attraction
The Tihányi mansion in Radvan dates from the first half of the 17th century. Originally a ground-floor Renaissance building, it was later rebuilt in the style of classicism. Subsequent modifications during the 19th century gave it its current Neo-Renaissance look. Protected monument Tihányiovský manor in Radvani became the seat of the natural history department of the Central Slovak Museum in 1989. A rich permanent exposition of the Nature of Central Slovakia is prepared here for visitors. The exhibition is thematically divided into 8 exhibition rooms. In each of them, you will get a picture of the nature of the eight units of the former Central Slovakian region. The exhibition The Nature of Central Slovakia is designed with a focus on the whole range of environmental problems. It presents the diversity of species, characterizes protected areas and you will also learn about the sources of devastation of the natural environment. The exhibition includes an audiovisual hall where you can view films intended mainly for pupils and students. The hall is also a place where various lectures and specialized seminars for teachers are held. You can also participate in slide shows and discussions on various topics about nature conservation issues.
Basic information
Banská Bystrica
+421 484 125 896
GPS: 48.719017 19.136785
Where the attraction is located