Skalka - 1980 m above sea level |


Slovensko/ Banskobystrický kraj/ Brezno

Skalka - 1980 m n. m.

Description of the attraction

Skalka hill is also an attractive tourist destination for many visitors to the Low Tatras. The hill ends on a side ridge that runs south from Kotliske. You can recognize Vrch Skalka by its rocky summit and eastern slopes that drop steeply into the Vajskovská valley. Thanks to this, stone seas divided by many waterfalls were formed at this place. Vrch Skalka is a national nature reserve. There is a rare complex of habitats in the high mountain range, in which a large number of protected animals live. As you pass through here, you may have the opportunity to observe chamois and marmots, as well as two of our beasts, a lynx and a bear. The grassy and flat top of the hill offers wonderful views of the surrounding area. After the climb, you will find yourself right in the center of the western part of the Low Tatras. You will be able to admire the views of the main ridge of the Low Tatras and the adjacent valleys as well as the High and Western Tatras. It has up to three peaks, between which there is a hollow that is acoustically and visually isolated from the surroundings. In this place, you will be able to enjoy complete silence, which certainly offers an unusual experience for a modern person. You can start the ascent to Skalka Mountain in Dolná Lehota (approximately 12 km) or Demänovská Dolina (approximately 7 km). Popular routes also include the route from the mountain hotel Srdiečko (approximately 9 km), which continues via the cable car to Chopok, to Krížske sedlo and Kotlísk. Marked hiking trails will lead you to the top.

Basic information

Dolná Lehota

GPS: 48.928744 19.519225

Where the attraction is located

Skalka - 1980 m n. m.
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