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Prazdninovy house Malotejedska DS 419A8E8F-B88A-40CA-9F10-0572FCDB3FF7.jpeg
Prazdninovy house Malotejedska DS CB374D4C-09B2-4688-839B-43D367FB4873.jpeg

Prazdninovy house Malotejedska DS

10 guests
3 bedrooms
1 bathroom
No review
Private accommodationFrom the hostFatima S

Contact the host

About accommodation

Stay with us in a newly built family house near the Thermalpark swimming pool in Dunajská Streda, where no one else will stay in the house except you

We offer you quality accommodation with a total capacity of up to 10 people all year round.
The family house consists of a large 38 m2 living room with a fully equipped kitchen and a washing machine, a stove with an oven, a microwave oven, an electric kettle, a coffee maker, a refrigerator and a dining area with a TV and WiFi. You can relax in 3 bedrooms. There is also a bathroom with a hydromassage shower box and a toilet.
We have also prepared for you a sitting area in the yard with a kettle, a grill, a swing and a trampoline. We are looking forward to you

The main equipment of the building

Reservation of the entire object

You will have the entire object only for yourself

Internet in the building

Yes, WiFi

Pets are welcome

Allowed, small animals, for a fee (upon agreement with the owner)

Parking at the property

Parking At the object. Free parking

It is located near the building, in the area of the building


Indicative occupancy calendar

Contact the host

Prazdninovy house Malotejedska DS  The lodger

Fatima S

The owner does not live in the building

Member since: August 2022

Ubytujte sa u nás v novostavbe rodinného domu blízko pri kúpalisku Thermalpark v Dunajskej Strede, kde okrem vás v dome nebude ubytovaní nikto iní Celoročne Vám ponúkame kvalitné ubytovanie s celkovou kapacitou pre maximálne do 10 osôb. Rodinný dom tvorí veľká 38 m2 obývacia miestnosť s plne vybavenou kuchyňou aj práčkou, sporákom s rúrou, mikrovlnnou rúrou, rýchlovarnou kanvicou, kávovarom, chladničkou a jedálenským posedením s TV a wifi. Odpočiniete si v 3 spálňach. Ďalej je k dispozícii kúpeľňa so hydromasážnym sprchovacím boxom, toaletou. Pripravili sme pre vás aj posedenie na dvore s kotlíkom, grilom, hojdačkou a trampolínou Veríme, že u nás prežijete skvelý oddych v kruhu svojej rodiny a priateľov a radi nás čoskoro opäť navštívite. Tešíme sa na Vás

Where you will be accommodated

Dunajská Streda, Malotejedská 5/A, SlovenskoIt is located in the southwest of Slovakia, where it borders the Hungarian border. The region also includes Rye Island, which is the largest reservoir of drinking water and at the same time one of the most fertile agricultural areas in Slovakia. A typical feature is the Hungarian ethnicity....

Accommodation rules

Time of arrival

From 14:00 - To 14:30

Departure time

From 09:30 - To 10:00

Is smoking allowed in the building?

Smoking indoors is NOT allowed.

Does the owner live in the building?

NO, the owner (administrator) does not stay / live in the building during the stay.

Is the object fenced?

YES, the object is fenced.

How is the building heated?

In-floor heating, Gas heating

Dining options in the building

Without food

Is the object barrier-free?

NO, the building is not wheelchair accessible.

Cancellation terms

In the event of cancellation of a stay of less than 7 days, the fee in the amount of 1 night will be waived. Each additional person 15 euros/night. The price does not include tourist tax 1



0 guests

The number of guests is not selected
Total price

Internet in the building?

Yes, WiFi

Pets are welcome?

Allowed, small animals, for a fee (upon agreement with the owner)

Parking at the property?

Parking At the object. Free parking
Accommodation portal - Cottages and cottages for rent

