Popradské pleso |

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Slovensko/ Prešovský kraj/ Poprad

Popradské pleso

Description of the attraction

Among the places that no visitor to the High Tatras should avoid is Popradské pleso in Mengusovská dolina. It was created after the retreat of the glaciers during the last ice age. The water that flowed down from the surrounding valleys and peaks collected in the created valley. The water in the pool is colored yellow-green. Popradské pleso is surrounded by the Ostrva and Tupaj peaks, on the opposite ridge by the Satan, Malá Bašta and Patria peaks. It is also accessible via an asphalt road, so mothers with strollers can easily get here. You can also go here by bicycle. If you want to enjoy a walk on a natural background, a forest hiking trail is available. On the banks of Popradské pleso lies the Horský hotel and Majláth's cottage. In addition to accommodation, it also provides restaurant services. You can rest here on the way along the Tatranská magistrála or before a hike to Rysy or Ostrva. Popradské pleso offers an easy and relaxing walk in its surroundings. The view of the towering peaks, the calm surface and the greenery is a real balm for the soul and a feast for the eyes. A well-known place near the Poprad forest is the Symbolic cemetery in the limbo grove. There are memorial plaques with the names of people who perished in the High Tatras as well as in other world mountains.

Basic information


GPS: 49.153989 20.081265

Where the attraction is located

Popradské pleso
Accommodation portal hladamchatu.sk - Cottages and cottages for rent
