Slovensko/ Banskobystrický kraj/ Detva
Podpolianske múzeum
Description of the attraction
The Podpolian Museum in Detva is one of the youngest cultural institutions in Detva. It was founded in 1994 and is located in the historical part of the city in the building of the former Municipal Office. The Podpolian Museum has several permanent exhibitions prepared for visitors, which deal with documenting and making available material and spiritual artefacts of Podpoliľania. They are: - The exhibition Ovce moje, ovce... — is dedicated to the Wallachian culture in Podpoľanie. - The historical exhibition Detva in the context of the Vígľa estate. - The exhibition From Detva to the sea... Július Juraj Thurzo — you will learn about the life of the first Slovak sea captain. In addition to permanent exhibitions, the Podpolianske Museum also offers visitors presentation events. They are, for example, cultural and educational activities, various short-term exhibitions and creative art workshops of a regional nature.
Basic information
+421 918 167 711
GPS: 48.560964 19.418653
Where the attraction is located