Nitra castle |

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Slovensko/ Nitriansky kraj/ Nitra

Nitriansky hrad

Description of the attraction

The Nitra castle standing on a rocky cliff above the city of Nitra catches your attention from afar. It was built on the site of an old Slavic fortress, which was once surrounded by the mead of the Nitra River. The Nitra castle was fortified, and during its history it has withstood several devastating attacks. The cathedral and the bishop's palace dominate the castle grounds. You can also admire the massive fortification with bastions. The oldest building that has survived to this day is the Romanesque church of St. Emerama. Visitors can stop by the Gothic fresco Death and Coronation of the Virgin Mary. Part of Selepčény's altar from 1662 is a rare relief of the Entombment. Currently Nitra Castle is the seat of the bishop's office. The Diocesan Museum is also located in its area, which is the first of its kind in our country. There are several exhibitions prepared for visitors. Among the exhibits are liturgical objects, facsimiles and copies of medieval documents documenting the history of the Nitrian chapter, diocese and Zobor monastery. You can visit the Nitrian castle accompanied by a lecturer or on your own. In its area, you can have refreshments in the Castellum Cafe restaurant, if you want to buy literature, you can find the shop Spolok sv. Vojtech.

Basic information


+421 910 842 991

GPS: 48.318026 18.086754

Where the attraction is located

Nitriansky hrad
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