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Maľovaná drevenička v Čičmanoch IMG-20221203-WA0021.jpg
Maľovaná drevenička v Čičmanoch IMG-20221106-WA0046.jpg

Maľovaná drevenička v Čičmanoch

6 guests
1 bedroom
1 bathroom
No review
Wooden houseFrom the hostJana H.

Contact the host

About accommodation

Maľovaná drevenička v obci Čičmany poskytuje ubytovanie pre 6 osôb. K dispozícii je plne vybavená kuchyňa, spálňa so štyrmi lôžkami, obývacia izba, v ktorej sa nachádza rozťahovacia sedačka, kúpeľňa a samostatné wc. V domčeku sa nachádza satelitná TV, xbox, krbové kachle, ktoré sú napojené na radiátory, detská postieľka, sušič vlasov, žehlička, práčka, chladnička s mrazničkou, spoločenské hry, samozrejmosťou sú aj uteráky a osušky. Taktiež je možné využívať vonkajšie ohnisko s posedením, kotlík na guláš, gril a príslušenstvo na vonkajšie športové aktivity. Chalupa sa nachádza v centre obce. Parkovanie je možné vo dvore. V obci Čičmany sa nachádza lyžiarske stredisko Javorinka, múzeum, potraviny, reštaurácie, pohostinstvá. V blízkosti sa taktiež nachádzajú známe kúpele Spa Aphrodite v Rajeckých Tepliciach. Pre milovníkov prírody a turistky je tu na výber veľké množstvo krásnych miest, ktoré môžu priamo v Čičmanoch alebo v ich okolí navštíviť.

The main equipment of the building

Reservation of the entire object

You will have the entire object only for yourself

Pets are welcome

Allowed, without restrictions, free of charge (by agreement with the owner)

Parking at the property

Parking At the object. Free parking

It is located near the building, in the area of the building

Outdoor seating,

Additional services

Baby bed,

Indicative occupancy calendar

Contact the host

Maľovaná drevenička v Čičmanoch  The lodger

Jana H.

The owner does not live in the building

Member since: November 2022

Slovak, Czech, English, German

Where you will be accommodated

Čičmany, Čičmany 35, SlovenskoMalá Fatra is a nuclear mountain range, the northern part of which is mainly occupied by Malá Fatra National Park. It is specific for its extensive ridges, beautiful waterfalls, and karst formations. ...

Accommodation rules

Time of arrival

From 14:00 - To 16:00

Departure time

From 09:00 - To 10:00

Is smoking allowed in the building?

Smoking indoors is NOT allowed.

What language do I use to communicate with the host?

Slovak, Czech, English, German

Does the owner live in the building?

NO, the owner (administrator) does not stay / live in the building during the stay.

Is the object fenced?

YES, the object is fenced.

How is the building heated?

Heating by fireplace

Dining options in the building

Without food

Baby cradle

Is available

Is the object barrier-free?

NO, the building is not wheelchair accessible.

Cancellation terms

Storno poplatok je vo výške zaplatenej zálohy. Teda 50 % z celkovej sumy, ak je pobyt zrušený v priebehu 5 dní pred príchodom. Ak je pobyt zrušený skôr, je vrátená celá záloha.



0 guests

The number of guests is not selected
Total price

Pets are welcome?

Allowed, without restrictions, free of charge (by agreement with the owner)

Parking at the property?

Parking At the object. Free parking
Accommodation portal - Cottages and cottages for rent
