Slovensko/ Žilinský kraj/ Čadca
Kysucké múzeum v Čadci
Description of the attraction
In Slovakia, you can visit many museums with different focus. One of the youngest is the Kysucké Museum in Čadec. Here you can view the largest collection of objects from the surroundings of Kysucké Nové Mesto. Kysucké múzeum in Čadec is a regional museum of local history, it also focuses on the area of museum documentation of the development of forest railways in Slovakia. It was founded in 1972 and is under the jurisdiction of the Žilina self-governing region. It is located in a historic building on Moyzesová Street. In its exhibition spaces, visitors can view various thematic exhibitions. It manages five expositions that will guide you through a wide portfolio of cultural and historical facts associated with the Kysuce region. The exhibited exhibits are: - Museum of the Kysuck village in Vychylovka, - Radoľa Manor, - Historic forest headland railway in Vychylovka, - Folklore museum in Krásno nad Kysucou.
Basic information
+421 41 432 13 86
GPS: 49.439844 18.789579
Where the attraction is located