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Jánošíkova Valaška Hills Apartments 03C6140E-DC0B-40E4-9F10-D16D58228475.jpg
Jánošíkova Valaška Hills Apartments _MG_3369.jpg

Jánošíkova Valaška Hills Apartments

30 guests
14 bedrooms
9 bathroom
No review
Guest houseFrom the hostRoman Lenorák

Contact the host

About accommodation

Ubytovanie v malebnej dedinke Terchová v regióne Malá Fatra. Krajina pod majestátnym Veľkým Rozsutcom, opradená mnohými tajomnými legendami. Rodisko nášho hrdinu Juraja Jánošíka. Náš penzión Jánošíkova Valaška ponúka ubytovanie uprostred čarovnej prírody, kde môžete jedinečne zrelaxovať a odpočinúť si. V okolí Terchovej je nespočetne veľa miest, ktoré by ste mali vidieť. Pokojná rodinná atmosféra v typických drevených izbách penziónu sa stane balzamom pre Vašu dušu. Ak si teda chcete oddýchnuť a zažiť nezabudnuteľnú dovolenku alebo víkend v nádhernom lone prírody, tak náš penzión je správna voľba. V našom rodinnom penzióne Jánošíkova Valaška ponúkame na ubytovanie deväť apartmánov. Ponúkame ubytovanie v dvojposteľových, štvorposteľových apartmánoch a jednej päťlôžkovej rodinnej izbe s celkovou kapacitou 30 hostí. Každý apartmán má vlastné sociálne zariadenie, vlastnú kúpeľňu, LCD televízor a vlastnú kuchynku (okrem rodinnej izby) vybavenú chladničkou, elektrickou varnou doskou a rýchlovarnou kanvicou

The main equipment of the building

Reservation of accommodation units

You can book separate accommodation units in this facility.

Internet in the building

Yes, WiFi

Pets are welcome

Allowed, without restrictions, for a fee (upon agreement with the owner)

Parking at the property

Parking At the object.

Suitable for children

Children's chair, Children playground, Toys for children


Grill, Outdoor fireplace

Wellness and relaxation

Whirlpool - Jacuzzi, Sauna

It is located near the building, in the area of the building

Outdoor seating,

Additional services

Baby bed,

Indicative occupancy calendar

Contact the host

Jánošíkova Valaška Hills Apartments  The lodger

Roman Lenorák

The owner does not live in the building

Member since: July 2022

Slovak, Czech, English

Where you will be accommodated

Terchová, Panská Lúka 1397, SlovenskoMalá Fatra is a nuclear mountain range, the northern part of which is mainly occupied by Malá Fatra National Park. It is specific for its extensive ridges, beautiful waterfalls, and karst formations. ...

Accommodation rules

Time of arrival

From 14:00 - To 23:30

Departure time

From 00:00 - To 10:00

Is smoking allowed in the building?

Smoking indoors is NOT allowed.

What language do I use to communicate with the host?

Slovak, Czech, English

Does the owner live in the building?

NO, the owner (administrator) does not stay / live in the building during the stay.

Is the object fenced?

The building is partially fenced.

How is the building heated?

Central heating

Dining options in the building


Baby cradle

Is available

Is the object barrier-free?

NO, the building is not wheelchair accessible.

Cancellation terms

bezplatné storno 7 dní pred príchodom



0 guests

The number of guests is not selected
Total price

Internet in the building?

Yes, WiFi

Pets are welcome?

Allowed, without restrictions, for a fee (upon agreement with the owner)

Parking at the property?

Parking At the object.

Suitable for children?

Children's chair, Children playground, Toys for children


Grill, Outdoor fireplace

Wellness and relaxation?

Whirlpool - Jacuzzi, Sauna
Accommodation portal - Cottages and cottages for rent
