Slovensko/ Trnavský kraj/ Trnava
Hlbočiansky vodopád
Description of the attraction
In the Hlbočianská valley near Smolenice, you can admire the beautiful Hlbočian waterfall during a nature hike. The interesting thing is that it is the only waterfall in the Malé Karpaty mountains and is also called "occasional" by the locals. This is because it is beautiful and abundant during the spring and when there is enough rainfall, but you may find that it is almost empty of water when you visit in the middle of summer. The water here falls from a height of 9 meters, after impact it disappears underground and emerges only near Smolenice. Thanks to this, the well-known Drina cave was also created here. The shortest way to the Hlbočian waterfall, which is part of the Smolenický karst and one of the stops of the Smolenický karst educational trail, leads from the village of Smolenice along the blue tourist trail. It will take you about 30 minutes to reach the waterfall. The route is not difficult, both big and small hikers can go on it.
Where the attraction is located