Slovensko/ Banskobystrický kraj/ Zvolen
Čertova skala
Description of the attraction
Not far from Zvolen is one of the remarkable natural creations that Slovakia is truly rich in. It is the Devil's Rock in the Boky Nature Reserve. The Devil's Rock is one of the geological curiosities of Central Europe. A large boulder (the so-called rock mushroom) is hidden under this name. The peculiarity is that it lies on a very small area of the bedrock. When you look at it, the first thing that comes to your mind is that this boulder will surely come crashing down. However, experts say that its connection to the ground is solid, and therefore there is no danger of it being disturbed. The educational trail from Hronská Breznica or Budča will take you all the way to the place. Devil's rock is a place with which several rumors are connected. According to one of them, this boulder once wanted to cast the devil on the inhabitants of Budča village. However, since it began to dawn and the stone fell out, it did not land on the village, but landed on a nearby hill.
Where the attraction is located