Demänovská Cave of Freedom |

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Slovensko/ Žilinský kraj/ Liptovský Mikuláš

Demänovská jaskyňa Slobody

Description of the attraction

Rich sinter filling of various colors, sparkling lakes and the mysterious underground flow of Demänovka. These are all the beauties with which the Demänovská jaskyňa slobody amazes visitors. That is also why it has rightly been included in the top ten most beautiful caves in Europe. At the same time, Demänovská freedom cave is one of the most visited caves in Slovakia. Demänovská freedom cave is located in the limestone massif of Demänovská hora in Demänovská valley, which lies on the northern side of the Low Tatras. The road from Liptovský Mikuláš to the place is only 11 km, you can also reach the cave by car. Demänovská cave of freedom was discovered in 1921 by an exploratory dive in Demänovka. In the following year, the construction of access paths and the installation of electric lighting began. In 1924, its beauty was finally made available to the general public. Demänovská jaskyňa slobody extends over five floors. When you visit, you can therefore admire a unique formation, which is a drop waterfall up to 6 m high. You will also see a 40 m deep chasm. The tour route of the cave is divided into two circuits. You can choose a traditional circuit, along which you will walk a route with a length of 1,150 m. With the help of 913 steps, you will overcome an elevation of 86 m. The long circuit is a bit longer, you can walk it for up to 2,150 m. The elevation is the same, 1,118 steps will help you on it. Due to the different distance, the duration of the tour also varies. The traditional circuit lasts 60 minutes, the large circuit 100 minutes. The cave will captivate you with its unique sinter forms during the tour. Its ceilings are richly decorated with drip decoration. You will also see innovative stalactites, typical river modeled corridors and ceiling troughs. Among the attractions of the cave are cave pearls in the form of pea balls, which are located in the Great Dome. The beauty of the Stone Sun will captivate you in the Klenotnica. On the way to the entrance to the cave, you will have to overcome a serpentine path approximately 400 ms long with an elevation of 67 m. The information panels will enrich your walk, the ascent will take about 10-15 minutes.

Basic information

Demänovská Dolina

+421 44 559 16 73

GPS: 48.997746 19.585357

Where the attraction is located

Demänovská jaskyňa Slobody
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