Slovensko/ Prešovský kraj/ Vranov nad Topľou
Hrad Čičva
Description of the attraction
Northeast of Vranov nad Topľou above the village of Sedliská, the ruins of the Čičva castle stand out above the local area and part of Podčičva. The exact year of construction of the Čičva castle is not known. It is believed that it was built at the initiative of the Hungarian kings during the 12th century due to the strategic location of the hill. In that period, it served as part of the border fortress system of the Kingdom of Hungary. Cičva Castle was a guard castle in the "Porta Polonica" pass during its existence, which means Polish Gate. It is located at the crossroads between Vranov nad Topľou and Humenný and from Sárospatak through Stropkov to the north to Poland. Cičva Castle was owned by several famous families during its existence. For three centuries it belonged to the Rozgonyi family, which died by the sword in 1523 with the death of Štefan. After them, the castle was acquired by the Báthory family, whose most famous representative is Alžbeta Báthoryová. She brought Čičva Castle as a dowry to her husband Františkov Nádasdy. The castle traveled further as a dowry with their daughter Katarína, who married Juraj Drugeth. After the Drugeth family, František Barkóczy is also mentioned in connection with Čičva Castle. In January 1711, he surrendered the castle without a fight and handed it over to the imperial general Ján Pálffy. General Lanken subsequently had the castle demolished. Since that time, only its ruins can be found on the hill above the village of Sedliská. The hike to Čičva Castle is also suitable for less fit tourists. It is accessible for visitors by footpath from the village, while the ascent along the green tourist sign takes only about 10 minutes at a leisurely pace. You can also take the access road with a baby carriage, even smaller children can handle it without problems. A trip to the castle is also suitable for people with disabilities.
Where the attraction is located