Chata Viktória
Contact the host
About accommodation
Ak hľadáte dokonalé miesto na oddych, neváhajte a zarezervujte si dovolenku na Kysuciach v našej štýlovej Chate Viktória. Ak hladáte pokoj, relax a oddych v blízkosti lesa, tak ste u nás správne :)
Vybavenie chaty je ideálne pre rodiny s deťmi, skupiny priateľov a známych, turistov, cyklistov, lyžiarov a náročnejších hostí.
S kapacitou až 12 lôžok Vás radi privítame celoročne. Spoločenská časť chaty pozostáva z obývacej miestnosti, ktorá je prepojená s kuchyňou, kde môžete sledovať obľúbené programy na televízore a posedieť si na pohodlnom gauči. Romantické chvíle pri horiacom krbe a pohári vína sú u nás samozrejmosťou. Kuchyňa je plne vybavená a umožňuje Vám pripraviť si chutné jedlá vďaka elektrickej rúre, keramickej varnej doske, hriankovaču, mikrovlnnej rúre, chladničke s mrazničkou a kávovaru. Počas raňajok či večere sa môžete spolu usadiť za veľký jedálenský stôl a vychutnať si skvelé jedlo v príjemnej atmosfére.
Nemenej dôležitou súčasťou našej chaty je exteriérová vírivka, ktorá ulahodí Vášmu telu aj duši. Takže neváhajte a príďte k nám stráviť nezabudnuteľnú dovolenku plnú oddychu, pokoja a zážitkov. Tešíme sa na Vašu návštevu!
The main equipment of the building
Reservation of the entire object
You will have the entire object only for yourself
Internet in the building
Yes, cable connection
Pets are welcome
Allowed, small animals, free of charge (by agreement with the owner)
Parking at the property
Parking At the object.
Suitable for children
Toys for children, Trampoline, Children playground, Baby bed, Children's chair
Wellness and relaxation
Whirlpool - Jacuzzi
It is located near the building, in the area of the building
Terrace,Additional services
Bicycle storage,Indicative occupancy calendar
Contact the host

The owner does not live in the building
Member since: August 2022
Slovak, Czech
Where you will be accommodated
Raková, Raková 1403, SlovenskoThe region extends in the north-west of Slovakia. Snow paradise Veľká Rača Oščadnica is one of the most famous ski resorts. In addition to skiing, Kysuce is suitable for hiking. The most visited tourist places include the Slovak Astronomical Clock, the Kysucka Village Museum, the Stone Balls in Milošová,...
Accommodation rules
Time of arrival
From 14:00 - To 19:00
Departure time
From 07:00 - To 10:00
Is smoking allowed in the building?
Smoking indoors is NOT allowed.
What language do I use to communicate with the host?
Slovak, Czech
Does the owner live in the building?
NO, the owner (administrator) does not stay / live in the building during the stay.
Is the object fenced?
YES, the object is fenced.
How is the building heated?
Central heating
Dining options in the building
Without food
Is the object barrier-free?
NO, the building is not wheelchair accessible.
Cancellation terms
Po dohode s majiteľom
Owner's note
0 guests
Internet in the building?
Pets are welcome?
Parking at the property?
Suitable for children?
Wellness and relaxation?
Similar accommodations in the vicinity