Chata pri termálnom kúpalisku Santovka
Contact the host
About accommodation
Vitajte v priestrannej chate kúsok od termálneho kúpaliska Santovka s liečivou vodou, ktorá vyviera z vrtu priamo do bazéna.
V chate sa pohodlne vyspí 15 hostí v 6tich spálnach so 4mi toaletami a sprchovými kútmi. Izby sú vybavené so SmartTV a manželskými a poschodovými postelami. Spoločenská miestnosť s velkým sedením, TV s hernou konzolou PS4 , Bluetooth reproduktorom a plne vybavená kuchyna je samozrejmosť. Hosťom je k dispozícii pohodlné sedenie na velkej terase pod strechou s pinpongovým stolom ako aj sedenie pod stromami pri ohnisku alebo kamennom grile. Bezproblémové parkovanie áut v objekte pod kamerou.
Lokalita kupelnej obce Santovka nahráva teplému a slnečnému počasiu vďaka travertínovým skalám v okolí s minimom zrážok. Kúpalisko s liečivou vodou vhodné pre rodiny s deťmi s reštauráciou s príjemnými cenami. Úžasným zážitkom sú tiež travertínové kade allá turecké pumukkale.
Obchod, reštaurácia, pizzeria v okruhu 300m
Možnosti na výlety v okolí :
8 km - kamenné obydlia Brhlovce zapísané v UNESCO
8 km - kúpalisko Margita-Ilona
18km- kamenné obydlia obec Lišov, múzeum masiek
19km - kupelné mesto Dudince
14 km - mesto Levice, levický hrad,tekovské múzeum
39km - Banská Štiavnica
1noc - 300€
2 noci - 470€
3 noci - 570€
Viac nocí na dohode podľa počtu hostí
The main equipment of the building
Reservation of the entire object
You will have the entire object only for yourself
Pets are welcome
Allowed, without restrictions, free of charge (by agreement with the owner)
Parking at the property
Parking At the object.
Focal point, Outdoor fireplace, Cauldron
It is located near the building, in the area of the building
Terrace,Sports possibilities in the building or in the area of the building
Bicycles,Indicative occupancy calendar
Contact the host

Filip F
The owner does not live in the building
Member since: August 2022
Slovak, Czech, German, English
Where you will be accommodated
Santovka, 7009, SlovenskoCastle ruins are not uncommon in this region. The most famous of them are Revište, Šášov and Dobrá Niva. In Hronský Beňadik you will find an ancient monastery. In addition to hiking, cycling or skiing, residents can relax in the spas of Sliač, Kováčová and Sklené Teplice....
Accommodation rules
Time of arrival
From 13:30 - To 20:00
Departure time
From 09:00 - To 11:30
Is smoking allowed in the building?
Smoking indoors is NOT allowed.
What language do I use to communicate with the host?
Slovak, Czech, German, English
Does the owner live in the building?
NO, the owner (administrator) does not stay / live in the building during the stay.
Is the object fenced?
The building is partially fenced.
How is the building heated?
Electric heating
Dining options in the building
Without food
Is the object barrier-free?
NO, the building is not wheelchair accessible.
Cancellation terms
Bez storno poplatku v prípade zrušenia 15 dní pred príchodom.
0 guests
Pets are welcome?
Parking at the property?
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