Chata Andrea
Contact the host
About accommodation
V našej chate nie je možné uplatniť rekreačné poukazy!
Chata Andrea Vám ponúka komfortné ubytovanie v obci Kunerad. V chate sa ubytuje celkovo 11 dospelých osôb a 2 deti. Súčasťou chaty je 5 izieb, z čoho jedna je zariadená ako detská izba s poschodovou posteľou. S priateľmi strávite voľné chvíle v spoločenskej miestnosti s DVD prehrávačom, CD prehrávačom, posedením a krbom, ktorý Vás v zime príjemne zahreje a navodí rodinnú atmosféru. Navaríte si v plne vybavenej kuchyni, v ktorej nájdete navyše aj mixér a kávovar. K vybaveniu patria aj dve kúpeľne s toaletou. V exteriéri je k dispozícii gril, kotlík na guláš a posedenie. Detičky sa zabavia na detskom ihrisku. Vaše autá zaparkujete priamo pri chate.
Novozrekonštruovaná chata Andrea je situovaná v tichom prostredí za obcou Kunerad, v Rajeckej doline. V okolí je veľa možností turistiky, cyklistiky alebo hubárčenia. V blízkosti chaty je penzión Kunerad, ktorý Vám ponúka wellness s bazénom a bowling. Neďaleko obce je mesto Rajecké Teplice, v ktorom nájdete známe rajecké kúpele. V zime si skvele zalyžujete na lyžiarskom stredisku v malebnej dedinke Čičmany, ktorá Vás očarí svojimi malebnými domčekmi.
The main equipment of the building
Reservation of the entire object
You will have the entire object only for yourself
They are not allowed
Parking at the property
Parking At the object.
Suitable for children
Children's swing, Baby bed, Toys for children, Sandbox, Slide, Children playground
It is located near the building, in the area of the building
Terrace,Indicative occupancy calendar
Contact the host

Andrea Čmelová
The owner does not live in the building
Member since: October 2022
Slovak, Czech
Where you will be accommodated
Kunerad, 323, SlovenskoMalá Fatra is a nuclear mountain range, the northern part of which is mainly occupied by Malá Fatra National Park. It is specific for its extensive ridges, beautiful waterfalls, and karst formations. ...
Accommodation rules
Time of arrival
From 15:00 - To 20:00
Departure time
From 11:00 - To 12:00
Is smoking allowed in the building?
Smoking indoors is NOT allowed.
What language do I use to communicate with the host?
Slovak, Czech
Does the owner live in the building?
NO, the owner (administrator) does not stay / live in the building during the stay.
Is the object fenced?
NO, the object is not fenced.
How is the building heated?
Electric heating, Heating by fireplace
Dining options in the building
Without food
Baby cradle
Is available
Is the object barrier-free?
NO, the building is not wheelchair accessible.
Cancellation terms
Po dohode s majiteľom
Owner's note
0 guests
Parking at the property?
Suitable for children?
Similar accommodations in the vicinity