5 reasons why you should rent through hladamchata.sk |

Why rent through hladamchata.sk

5 reasons why you should rent through hladamchatu.sk!

1. Guarantee of occupancy
If you do not receive any bookings during the year, we will provide you with free advertising until the time when your investment is returned to you in the form of bookings. We realize that every accommodation provider needs to have guaranteed occupancy in order to be able to pay the portal fee.

So you have nothing to lose with us, only to gain.

To register

1. Guarantee of occupancy

2. Extensive accommodation community

We have the largest accommodation community on Facebook with over 300,000 members. With us you will also get free promotion on our social networks and this powerful marketing tool will help you make your offer visible and attract potential guests.

List of our groups on the Facebook fanpage:

Fanpage hladamchatu.sk - 36 thousand

Cottages and cottages - buy, sell or rent - 102 thousand

Cottages and cottages for rent - 127,0 thousand

Cottages and cottages from owner to rent - 28,5 thousand

Cottages and cottages for rent - 5 thousand členov

Accommodation - Cottages, Cottages, Pensions and Apartments - 5 thousand

I am looking for a cottage - buy, sell or rent - 5 thousand

Accommodation in Slovakia, cottages, apartments and guesthouses - 8,2 thousand

Register at hladamchatu.sk

Registration is simple and free. You register on the basis of a phone number and then an email.

To register

Transparency and simplicity

Our top priority is to provide a functional portal that saves you time and brings in as many bookings as possible.

With us, you only pay for advertising and we have no other hidden fees and we do not take commissions from rentals. At the same time, you have at your disposal a simple communication channel in the site interface, where you can quickly and easily communicate with potential guests.

To register

3. Transparency and simplicity

4. Last minute promotion

If guests cancel your reservation, we offer LASTMINUTE promotion on our social networks. This marketing tool will help you get new guests even at a later stage and ensure that your accommodation is always occupied.

4. Lastminute propagation

5. Competitively lowest price

With an advertising price of EUR 250/year, you can advertise up to 5 properties and receive marketing support in Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Poland.

With 55,000 unique visitors per month, you have guaranteed visibility and at the same time guaranteed occupancy.

Register at hladamchatu.sk

Registration is simple and free. You register on the basis of a phone number and then an email.

To register
Accommodation portal hladamchatu.sk - Cottages and cottages for rent
